Thursday, April 25, 2013

Since I've been loving you

Life is about you, and I want to feel me walking in the thin air, your arms air.
Can I be more than a deep orator?  I want to believe in my love words cause them are so real, I so in love with you. Please, show me the best way, maybe the best language, to express how I love you, how I project your face on my walls.
Since I began to read you I began to love you: You always write and when you do it you are son mine.
My tears lost its sense, my heart only pump blood if you order it. Your laugh contains my happiness. Your hands are the heat of my cold waist.  Lover, I really need you. Lover, I love you more than my eyes.
I know you want to fly with me. I know you want to kiss me every second. I know you want to be god and create a world with me, a world just for us.
Dear, I know you love me and (I think) I love you more than I can to say. But can I be more than a simple orator?
You never know how I love you, lover, how I love your soul.


  1. Your post always makes me feel nostalgic, but today made me felt actually very sad. Some guy broke my heart, and the worse is that i think that he never noticed that i really loved him..... whatever "son cosas del fútbol"...

    you take care, see you on thuesday!

  2. Hi Camila, this is great but how can I link it to the actual task in order to evaluate? Let me know

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry, I didn't understand. Are there problems with my post? I mean, I included all the information you require. I wrote with my own style and feelings like a real blog. But I followed your instructions. I'm confused

  3. Is difficult to explain you what I felt when I read your post. I understand the loving disappointments and I believe that for this reason today I don't fell nothing about the love, it is strange, even disheartening... Really, the love's shame does me to feel live.
