Thursday, May 2, 2013


I don’t understand authoritarian people. Authoritarian people always think they’re right. Always try to force to other people to do what they want.
What’s the wrong with their minds? I hate them because they don’t give spaces for divergent opinions. They construct a world for everyone, with their own colors and flags. They pretend we forget our dreams and adopt new life styles, new think ways. I abhor authoritarian people; they are the possible political tyrants of the future. They will bomb “La moneda”; they will kill to our red president and will drink his blood. They will kid our fathers and sons. The will rape our mothers and sisters.
How can we live with people like that? How can we subjugate ourselves without fight? Probably we don`t understand the tremendous symbol there are behind of the power relationships taken to the extreme.
I don’t want to change my opinion about these dangerous people. I think we have to be consents. How? Teaching and learning. We need to know who these people are for warn our integrity. We have to be careful for walk together making community.


  1. That is a interesting post, I think to be always authoritarian is very bad, but same times is necesary be authoriarian.

  2. When I read your post so many thing pass through my head. I reminded all the pain and sadness that i can see in the eyes of my mom, or my grandparent when they speak about the 73'. I feel so much hate when think in that, I sure if the responsable was in front of me, I kill everybody with no regrets...but life isn't fair, they live in their big house, with lifetime salary and their untouch families
