Sunday, June 23, 2013

You really got me

In my last holidays I started a journey with my boyfriend. We traveled without pressure. We knew we had all the time for do whatever we want to do. The time stopped every time we saw I different color on a different place.
Our first stop was on Concepción. Concepción is a fantastic town. I really love it. Its youth is amazing. You can breathe the revolution, probably for its history or its people.
After the stage of the best music singers and groups. We arrived to Temuco. Its urban part was fine, but when we went over to suburbs, we discover a different world.
We met with a machi woman from a Mapuche Community. I like to weave and she sold wool. Then of a nice conversation the moon come up and she in a friendly way invite to us to live on her community together. Álvaro and I could not believe it. When he saw me with love and emotion I already now he would be my life partner.
We stayed with them during a month. The experience was the most incredible thing that ever happens to me. This Mapuche Community has so much life.  Is difficult to me express you guys what we live there, what we feel there… It was magical.
No one description or photo or book –neither my post- can compare with living with these people.