Friday, June 14, 2013

How can we hang on to a dream?

Gandalf is a Finnish band born in the early nineties.  They play death melodic metal getting a mystic sound without anything to envy to progressive rock of the sixties our seventies. The mix of different styles of music like metal or hard rock creates their traditional sound defining it eccentric.
 I don’t remember when exactly I began to listen it, neither who wonderful person show me the light of them.  Maybe I was drunk I don’t really know, but always it’s a possibility.  However, I do remember the first time a listen one of theirs songs: I already love them.
The first album I listened was Gandalf. It first song: Golden earrings made me a lot of sense on this moment of my life, but I need something more, I need more emotion. I liked Golden earrings but didn’t touch my heart. I had to wait for the second song; Hang on a dream. Since the first time a listen it I fell in love; the song made my cry.

Recently, Gandalf has taken part of my entire days probably because my saddles. Gandalf has letters that eat away the soul getting it into a travel for the south air.
I don’t know why people look for sad songs when life gets difficult but I would like to help your break hearts. In my modest opinion, if you want to cry you have to listen Gandalf. 


  1. lately I been very depressed, i think that i will listen Gandalf...

  2. The only time that I heard the word "Gandalf" was about "The Lord of the Rings". Never I had heard anything of this band. Ever there is a first time.

  3. Newly i love your article and the song!
