Friday, June 14, 2013

A stroke of luck

I think here in facso we are beginning to discuss what troubles afflict us like faculty. The strike, with three weeks of life, is the best stage for student organization and for living community.
When students decide for strike, decide for an active and participative self-educating with so much value than normal days I believe.  Here we came to an important stuff: the abstraction of our classes border on the absurd. The most of our subjects lack the necessary qualities, are outdate and have not a real social spirit for have any influence in life of people. The university prefers its teachers write publications for keep its tradition before form careers with social sense: The education we want will come only if we begin to practice it with force. 
So, the strikes are used for organize the fight. It creates commissions, assemblies, forums, cultural acts, etc. all for give consistency to our movement. Is on these moments where I and all students belong to the strike. I mean, being on facso all day and participate with the classmates discussing, painting poster, whatever. Without participation strikes has not sense. Strikes need people for live, strikes need engaged hands more than a lot of them.

Missing classes are not so terrible. Who cares if we will have less holidays? Probably we will get more stress with so many evaluations together, but there are small costs for the engaged student. 


  1. Stroke of luck! that was it. Thanks for the reminder. I hope you guys get what you are after :)

  2. I think that is nice that you and the students who participate in the stroke think that, but the stroke makes me exhausted, i have been seven years in stroke and never happen :(
