Sunday, June 30, 2013

Bar The Clinic agradece su publicidad sobrevalorada y gratuita

As I don’t have money I go out to eat just when someone with a goood heart invites me.  I don’t have a favorite type of restaurants. I love the “picadas” and I love places more expensive and thematic too.
About “picadas” recently I had eaten the most of Fridays before the University on “La abuela” a great place on “La comunidad Ecológica de Peñalolén”. Is a shop where its owner cooks and take care of clients he and his wife gives to “La abuela” an exquisite familiar ambient.  This place only prepare dough food, as “empanadas or chaparritas” or some Chilean desserts as the classics “chilenitos”. When I go there I always order a vegetarian chaparrita type 2. I love this place because they have a lot of vegetarian options for eat.
About expensive and thematic places I really love “Bar The Clinic”
(Providencia) they -and Liguria bar- have the greatest ambient in the restaurants world. You don’t pay only for the food,  you pay for the place where you are. For example, all the walls are cover for news of The Clinic newspaper. All the sarcasm and irony make of your lunch or Friday night something better. Also the main are a little newspaper with funny names of it food and drinks. When I go to Bar The Clinic I begin with a “Maraca culia”, "Paja rusa" or a “Vedetto del zar” only if I don’t want to drink beer.

Sunday, June 23, 2013

You really got me

In my last holidays I started a journey with my boyfriend. We traveled without pressure. We knew we had all the time for do whatever we want to do. The time stopped every time we saw I different color on a different place.
Our first stop was on Concepción. Concepción is a fantastic town. I really love it. Its youth is amazing. You can breathe the revolution, probably for its history or its people.
After the stage of the best music singers and groups. We arrived to Temuco. Its urban part was fine, but when we went over to suburbs, we discover a different world.
We met with a machi woman from a Mapuche Community. I like to weave and she sold wool. Then of a nice conversation the moon come up and she in a friendly way invite to us to live on her community together. Álvaro and I could not believe it. When he saw me with love and emotion I already now he would be my life partner.
We stayed with them during a month. The experience was the most incredible thing that ever happens to me. This Mapuche Community has so much life.  Is difficult to me express you guys what we live there, what we feel there… It was magical.
No one description or photo or book –neither my post- can compare with living with these people.

Friday, June 14, 2013

How can we hang on to a dream?

Gandalf is a Finnish band born in the early nineties.  They play death melodic metal getting a mystic sound without anything to envy to progressive rock of the sixties our seventies. The mix of different styles of music like metal or hard rock creates their traditional sound defining it eccentric.
 I don’t remember when exactly I began to listen it, neither who wonderful person show me the light of them.  Maybe I was drunk I don’t really know, but always it’s a possibility.  However, I do remember the first time a listen one of theirs songs: I already love them.
The first album I listened was Gandalf. It first song: Golden earrings made me a lot of sense on this moment of my life, but I need something more, I need more emotion. I liked Golden earrings but didn’t touch my heart. I had to wait for the second song; Hang on a dream. Since the first time a listen it I fell in love; the song made my cry.

Recently, Gandalf has taken part of my entire days probably because my saddles. Gandalf has letters that eat away the soul getting it into a travel for the south air.
I don’t know why people look for sad songs when life gets difficult but I would like to help your break hearts. In my modest opinion, if you want to cry you have to listen Gandalf. 

Made of stone

When darkness block out our view; when there are not more conversations or hugs or kisses, when love has gone… we convert on such of troubles united for the pain. All of our people turn heavy breaking our cheers and tables meantime our light bodies floats without gravity.

How many tears a woman 
has to spill for understand hope is aGony?

Kris Lewis; Rose.

Our eyes can’t see. We are as blind as we can lie to our feelings.
Our hearts don’t want to feel the affair of a heartbreaking reality that only considers suffering. So, we resort to forget all of troubles, we wind it and making figures for keep it on necklaces meanwhile we pray for a better future.
We use the hope like a state for pass the horrors of life. We believe hope is better way than alcohol or drugs, but means the same:  evading.  Hope is a bridge or mountain, when we are climbing we don’t notice our pathetic condition, but the time to fall move closer. We will fall down and the hope only gives to us a higher point of jump. The emergency scape kills us stronger.
We found courage in the act to admit.

We can still living behind hope or wine but we must not to forget who we are, because only the knowledge of our condition will protect us of the fact to be forgotten or dead

A stroke of luck

I think here in facso we are beginning to discuss what troubles afflict us like faculty. The strike, with three weeks of life, is the best stage for student organization and for living community.
When students decide for strike, decide for an active and participative self-educating with so much value than normal days I believe.  Here we came to an important stuff: the abstraction of our classes border on the absurd. The most of our subjects lack the necessary qualities, are outdate and have not a real social spirit for have any influence in life of people. The university prefers its teachers write publications for keep its tradition before form careers with social sense: The education we want will come only if we begin to practice it with force. 
So, the strikes are used for organize the fight. It creates commissions, assemblies, forums, cultural acts, etc. all for give consistency to our movement. Is on these moments where I and all students belong to the strike. I mean, being on facso all day and participate with the classmates discussing, painting poster, whatever. Without participation strikes has not sense. Strikes need people for live, strikes need engaged hands more than a lot of them.

Missing classes are not so terrible. Who cares if we will have less holidays? Probably we will get more stress with so many evaluations together, but there are small costs for the engaged student.