Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We dont need no thought control

On Thursday I will have my first oral presentation for English 3 class. I’m not so nervous because the topic I choose characterize my conflicts with national reality.
For these days our streets are taking color –and also violence- for the dream of free education. The Chilean students and other actors decide to continue with the historic fight of justice.
The reason why education is an important topic to discuss is it constructs it as the motor of society and “system” change. There is no other way. All we could be -our roles in society- is defined for the education we received.
The economic system that hold Chile and the entire world is the guilty of the education problems. Understanding education like a business is the ideology we have to break.
Nevertheless we usually forget an important part: education like a machine of thought control that is doomed to create just one type of people. Education as the killer of individuality and diversity.
How I will organize my presentation?
Like I just did it:
I will begin explaining the reasons why I choose this topic. Then I will talk about the structural education problem: the economic system. And I’ll finish remembering how education tries to convert us in the same stuff system needs


  1. As we discuss today in the assembly, the problem with de education its not just "FREE EDUCATION", the solution its more complex, its necessary to understand education out of the market logics, we have to recreate the education.

  2. I think is very important make questions about the forms that is impart the education and not only the structural problems of education.

  3. I think that is a topic very interesting, that too is necessary every time be discuss respect that there topic.
