Thursday, April 25, 2013

Since I've been loving you

Life is about you, and I want to feel me walking in the thin air, your arms air.
Can I be more than a deep orator?  I want to believe in my love words cause them are so real, I so in love with you. Please, show me the best way, maybe the best language, to express how I love you, how I project your face on my walls.
Since I began to read you I began to love you: You always write and when you do it you are son mine.
My tears lost its sense, my heart only pump blood if you order it. Your laugh contains my happiness. Your hands are the heat of my cold waist.  Lover, I really need you. Lover, I love you more than my eyes.
I know you want to fly with me. I know you want to kiss me every second. I know you want to be god and create a world with me, a world just for us.
Dear, I know you love me and (I think) I love you more than I can to say. But can I be more than a simple orator?
You never know how I love you, lover, how I love your soul.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Long nights

I’m a dreamer. I usually lose my time thinking in my future, drawing the places I’ll know; writing poems about places don’t exist.
I don’t want to stay here forever. I want to travel. I want to walk, to feel the entire world. I want to go and never come back.
There is not an important impulse behind that,   I don’t mind to save the world or something like that. I want to travel for invent myself without the society pressure. I want to make mine owns values and depends on nature, the only real divinity.
Disappoint life gave me my dream. When I lost my hopes I try to understand my empty spirit. I began reading optimistic books, but I did not believe it. There was not an answer; the sun will never light up my sight.
I’m obsessed with that idea. All that I am, all that I do there are not meaning here. Perusing my dream and make it truth will be my happiness and also, my death.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Twentieth century fox

I always think people are very negative. They only see the worst part of national situation without accept the hard work of our president.
All of those Chilean traitors have changed their attack arms and now they try to destroy the government appearance using fake information coming from fake websites too.
I was a traitor like any terrorist, but years ago I saw the light. I was looking for pictures for make political flyers and by chance I found the government webpage.
I really love that site because shows you the national reality objectively, no like some communist newspaper that only have to say are lies.
As I am a learned person I read the website every day and then I share the news on my Twitter. I’m the government Jesus.
If you want to know the truth, if you want to know the country or town when you live. You have to search information in the only website that never lies you.
The government struggles for our lives get better, we must to protect it.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The first one

Hi, my name is Camila. I live in Santiago and I’m a sociology student. I could say I’m a happy person cause in my life are beautiful people that love me and I love.
 I leave with my sister and my mother since my father’s death about ten years ago. It was a dark and terrible time. As my mother did not work and my parents never bought a house, we had troubles to find a new place to live in Rancagua, so we came here.
Now all is different. My mother, my sister and I, with a lot of work, are have got over. My father still lives in our hearts.
Today my friends are far and away the most important in my life.  They make me feel that I have a real family. They make me smile and laugh. I really need and love them.