Thursday, May 23, 2013


Kids have a lot of creative potential. They construct worlds for destruct it in a minute. They set out on a journey without luggage and always are moving on from a dream to another.  
But sadly, we have other reality. Society has decided to accept the idea of exclude the creative of the important human qualities for having a “happy” life. The way to reach the traditional ideal is not here because it is not a traditional way for living.
Education system is design to control minds and kill those human aspects putting an ending to individuality and diversity. So, kids have a lot of innovation ability, but when they begin to get old, they have become frightened of being wrong.  And using the Sir Ken Robinson’s words: If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.
Here we have a structural problem that remits of the education conception that manages the world. Every education system has the same hierarchy of subjects: Math, languages, humanities and the bottom are the arts. This is an important thing to remember because position us in our real stage: our fight is opposed to a paradigm that holds the entire world, even in its furthest places, our fight is not locate just on Chile. Right now are people on Monaco thinking education mustn't to change.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

We dont need no thought control

On Thursday I will have my first oral presentation for English 3 class. I’m not so nervous because the topic I choose characterize my conflicts with national reality.
For these days our streets are taking color –and also violence- for the dream of free education. The Chilean students and other actors decide to continue with the historic fight of justice.
The reason why education is an important topic to discuss is it constructs it as the motor of society and “system” change. There is no other way. All we could be -our roles in society- is defined for the education we received.
The economic system that hold Chile and the entire world is the guilty of the education problems. Understanding education like a business is the ideology we have to break.
Nevertheless we usually forget an important part: education like a machine of thought control that is doomed to create just one type of people. Education as the killer of individuality and diversity.
How I will organize my presentation?
Like I just did it:
I will begin explaining the reasons why I choose this topic. Then I will talk about the structural education problem: the economic system. And I’ll finish remembering how education tries to convert us in the same stuff system needs

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Let's be serious

Last year I had to choose what career I want to study. It was a very difficult decision considering I have a trouble mind. I wanted to be part of our changing Chile and I looked for something that makes it possible.
One day my philosophy teacher took me out for a beer and after an arduous and funny conversation we decide sociology was the best option.  My teacher and now one of my best friends was the help that my mind needed at the moment and for life.
I have always thought never mind what you study if you want to understand and have influence on society. In other words, the career is not more important than your motivation to contribute to social reality. In this case I think the sociologist view helps to increase practically and really the perception people have to their own truth.
As social phenomenon is continuously changing, sociology needs to reinvent it. I’m not interest to predict what changes society will have, but probably our science will find the necessary tools for capture the tomorrow color.
Now, like a simple first year student, I don’t know If I can tell you what are my favorite subjects, my real conflict is how necessary they are.

Thursday, May 2, 2013


I don’t understand authoritarian people. Authoritarian people always think they’re right. Always try to force to other people to do what they want.
What’s the wrong with their minds? I hate them because they don’t give spaces for divergent opinions. They construct a world for everyone, with their own colors and flags. They pretend we forget our dreams and adopt new life styles, new think ways. I abhor authoritarian people; they are the possible political tyrants of the future. They will bomb “La moneda”; they will kill to our red president and will drink his blood. They will kid our fathers and sons. The will rape our mothers and sisters.
How can we live with people like that? How can we subjugate ourselves without fight? Probably we don`t understand the tremendous symbol there are behind of the power relationships taken to the extreme.
I don’t want to change my opinion about these dangerous people. I think we have to be consents. How? Teaching and learning. We need to know who these people are for warn our integrity. We have to be careful for walk together making community.