Thursday, July 4, 2013

RED WINE #TomoParaNOEnamorarmeMeEnamoroPeroTomoIgual

If you wERE in thE MATRIX what would you like to LEaRN?
 I don’t know why but every time I decide to try something new, doesn’t work: I give up quickly. Playing guitar or drawings as Welz-Stein or Chagall just can be dreams.

Anyway, let’s dream. Always I want to be a sommelier. With one of my best friends of high school, Camila Aguilera Jacob, we spent our time talking about different grapevines. As she has a complete knowledge about wines she used to teach me. She is an excellent teacher. I learned a lot with her!
But what a sommelier do?  A sommelier in opposite to an oenologist, is a wine expert about “bottling wine”. In other words, a oenologist works in the production and commercialization of wine and the sommelier works critics it –writing books, advising people- or combing with different type of food. 
The sommelier believes in Balance God. Every flavor has it couple(s). The sommelier is a translator. His languages? Drinks-food, specifically: wine-food. He can assimilate in a perfect way. He is in the wine flow, in its essence.
Before decide study sociologist I made myself a promise: whatever you choose to study, whatever you do with your life: you will learn about wines. You will be a sommelier.


  1. Everyone wants to be sommelier jejej, what more could we ask for.

  2. I don`t have any idea about this, I think is very interesting thing be a sommelier.

  3. I have a sommelier friend! It's a fascinated world!
