Thursday, July 25, 2013

Nicolás Parra. Emprendedor de la cultura.

A lot of Chilean people think Pablo Neruda is the best poet ever. When they say “Chile, country of poets” in general they are thinking in Neruda or Mistral, our two Nobel. I think this is a horrible mistake. First because Chile is not the earth of poets anymore; second, because we are not considering the prose; and third, because Nicanor Parra has been forget.
I don’t know if I could say Nicanor Parra is the best Chilean ever. I don’t like to construct hierarchies for people classification, people are not like numbers. But I can say you this (anti)poet is the most important writer of (anti)poetry. Why on brackets? because I think there are not something more poetic than the antipoetry of Parra.
He demolished the classic structure of the verses as much is possible. He takes the idyllic and distant poetry and converts it in something ordinary and human. In other words, he put in the street and houses something that always belonged to libraries of the high classes. For the other say -or in it consequence- the contents of this new way to write, changed to. The romantic love or romantic death, are topics of the past. Nicanor Parra began to inspire on the common, the routine, the injustice, also he inspired on love, but a Chilean love, something more picaresque.
 In sum, he did an act of rebellion and gave to the people the faculty to express them interiority in an easy way. He gave to the people the opportunity to reclaims and up in arms from de verses. He killed the traditional poetry.
Once I read an interesting interview of Parra. The woman gave him an old wine and took his door. He obviously accepted the wine and let the woman came in. More than ask him something of his work, I like to have a conversation all day with Parra. I don’t want to ask I only want to hear. I could give him a wine as a present, a whisky if he prefers. But yes, exists a question, I want to know how he forget to a lover, how he can be a happy man.

Nicolás Parra, el emprendedor de la cultura. Gracias, Nicolás.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

RED WINE #TomoParaNOEnamorarmeMeEnamoroPeroTomoIgual

If you wERE in thE MATRIX what would you like to LEaRN?
 I don’t know why but every time I decide to try something new, doesn’t work: I give up quickly. Playing guitar or drawings as Welz-Stein or Chagall just can be dreams.

Anyway, let’s dream. Always I want to be a sommelier. With one of my best friends of high school, Camila Aguilera Jacob, we spent our time talking about different grapevines. As she has a complete knowledge about wines she used to teach me. She is an excellent teacher. I learned a lot with her!
But what a sommelier do?  A sommelier in opposite to an oenologist, is a wine expert about “bottling wine”. In other words, a oenologist works in the production and commercialization of wine and the sommelier works critics it –writing books, advising people- or combing with different type of food. 
The sommelier believes in Balance God. Every flavor has it couple(s). The sommelier is a translator. His languages? Drinks-food, specifically: wine-food. He can assimilate in a perfect way. He is in the wine flow, in its essence.
Before decide study sociologist I made myself a promise: whatever you choose to study, whatever you do with your life: you will learn about wines. You will be a sommelier.